Monday, February 1, 2010

The journey begins...

So I lost a bet and now must read and review this book. I am keeping an open mind, remembering that many people dismissed Mick Foley's books as trash (they turned about to be wrong). It is also said that every person has a book inside them, and so it only seems fair that I not pre-judge this book by its cover, which you can see above.

The cover seems to invoke a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde dichotomy. The Dr. Jekyll side of Batista's personality is shown by the picture in the top half of the cover. Dressed in white and surrounded by blue light signifying the heavens, the angelic Batista holds his hands in prayer. This of course is contrasted by the darker side of Batista's personality, noted by the picture in the lower register of the cover. He is shirtless (as all monsters are) and surrounded by red (again the colour of evil dark personalities). His hands are not together in prayer, but clasped together for plotting evil design.

The cover shows us that this Batista is a complicated man, and that there are a least 2 sides to him. I am fearful of opening the book, yet intrigued as to what I may find.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe he's standing waist-deep in a pool of red water...or blood from his many victims.
